- Friday, 28-Feb-2025
- 07:30:13 AM
Sr.No. | Instructions |
1 | The employees are suggested to fill up the registration and pension application forms in consultation with the Institute Auditor of the respective institute. |
2 | The employees should register on the ICFRE Pension Portal by clicking on the Register Link in the Login Window on the home page. Employee may register prior to three months but not before four months of their date of retirement. Registration will not be approved before three months of the date of retirement. |
3 | The retiring employee need to fill the data correctly in the portal along with a good quality Photograph with spouse. |
4 | The category of the pensioners (Absorbee / Appointee) in the Employment Information section of registration should be selected correctly as per the list of Absorbee / Appointee released by the Pension Cell, ICFRE. |
5 | The photo uploaded during registration should be of good quality and clearly visible. |
6 | The Details filled in the portal should be correct and complete in nature in all respect and should match with the service book and the documents uploaded i.e. Aadhaar and PAN Card. The pensioners are suggested to match the details of Aadhaar card, PAN Card with details in the service book well before the registration on the portal and get the mismatch corrected, if found any, before the registration. |
7 | Any email other than ICFRE official email id must be used to register on the portal. |
8 | In case of In-service death of an employee, i) The family pensioner should register on the portal by filling his details in the Pensioner Information Section of the Registration Page. ii) The Cause of death should be selected as "Death" from the Drop-Down Menu iii) Photo of the Family Pensioner must be uploaded in the Pensioner Information Section. iv) The details and photo of the employee should be filled in the Employee Information Section |
9 | Once the details and photo are uploaded, the registration form should be submitted by clicking on the Submit button. |
10 | The message of successful submission of the registration form should be checked on the screen. |
11 | Once the registration form is approved by the Institute Auditor, the credentials in the form of email id and password will be sent to the registered email id of the pensioner. |
12 | These credentials should be used to login into the portal and the pension application forms should be filled along with the following documents a) Scanned copy of Aadhaar Card b) Scanned copy of PAN Card c) Last Pay Slip d) Signed Pension Application |
13 | A signed pension application form must be uploaded on the portal after taking the print of the filled pension application and signing on every page. |
14 | Finally, the application should be submitted by clicking on the submit button. |
15 | The status of the pension application may be checked using the Track Application Feature of the portal by logging into the portal. |
16 | Once the pension application is finally approved, Pension Payment Order will be generated by the portal along with a PPO number. |
17 | Incorrect or incomplete information may result in rejection of the registration form or the pension application. If pension application is rejected then pensioner has to re-apply for pension application by going to the re-apply section in the pensioner login using the same credentials. The incorrect data should be corrected in the pension application, a fresh signed application containing the correct data must be uploaded and reapplication should be submitted again for approval. |
18 | Email will be sent to the registered email id of the pensioner on the approval of the pension application and Pension Payment Order (PPO) will be generated. |
19 | The pensioner can login to the portal using the credentials sent on email or using the PPO number and Date of Birth (DOB). Pensioner may upload Life certificate and check his PPO, Pension Slip, Arrears and other features of the Pension Portal. |